Hair Loss: Restore Roots & Confidence

Unlocking the Secrets to Thicker Locks: Nutrition's Role in Hair and Thyroid Health

May 07, 2024 Kimberly Vaughn Season 3 Episode 29


Kimberly Vaughn WTS, ITS, CNC, MBA

Title: Unlocking the Secrets to Thicker Locks: Nutrition's Role in Hair and Thyroid Health

Have you ever wondered if there's more to your bad hair days than just unruly strands? Nataliia Sanzo, a distinguished registered dietitian with a personal history of Hashimoto's disease, joins us to unravel how nutrition deeply affects hair health and thyroid conditions. Together, we shed light on Nataliia's own experiences with hair loss, and how tweaking your diet could be the key to unlocking the luscious locks you've longed for.

Amidst our conversation, we uncover the critical role of nutrients like selenium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids in maintaining a healthy mane, even when thyroid hormone levels are in check. If you're grappling with hair thinning and can't figure out why, our discussion on the importance of comprehensive testing for a range of factors beyond thyroid hormones might just be the revelation you've been seeking. Nataliia navigates us through the complexities of iron and ferritin levels, illuminating their impact on hair vitality.

As we wrap up the episode, we highlight the importance of structured meal planning and avoiding crash diets to preserve both hair and thyroid health. The perils of rapid weight loss and its potential repercussions on your hair are also showcased through an intriguing case study. If you're on the hunt for bespoke hair care solutions, this podcast episode is an invaluable resource that promises to steer you toward better hair days.

Key Takeaways:

Hashimoto's is not just a thyroid disease, but an immune system disease that can affect many organs and systems in the body, including hair health.

  • Comprehensive testing, including assessments of hormones, vitamins, minerals, and gut health, is crucial for identifying the root causes of hair loss in individuals with Hashimoto's.
  • Key nutrients for supporting thyroid function and hair growth include selenium, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.
  • Meal planning and meal delivery services can help busy professionals and mothers ensure they're getting the nutrients they need for optimal thyroid and hair health.
  • Crash diets and extreme calorie restriction can shock the body, lead to decreased thyroid hormone production, and contribute to hair loss.
  • Supplementing with a B-complex vitamin and probiotics can be beneficial for hair health and growth, in addition to a multivitamin.
  • Addressing gut health is essential for optimal nutrient absorption and overall health, including hair health.

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Speaker 1:

Music. Navigating the complexities of hair growth and loss can be both concerning and deeply personal. So what steps should you take? Millions are affected by hair and scalp challenges every day. In a society where our appearance can make or break even one day, where should you turn for informative, honest, science-based information? Kimberly Vaughn's goal for this podcast is to offer informative content with the help of subject matter experts, along with individuals just like you.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to Hair Loss. Restore your Roots and Confidence. Today you're in for a great surprise. I know you're getting tired of me saying that, because I tell you that before every episode because I just have such amazing guests and the guest today actually is going to be very familiar with you frequent listeners Natalia Sanzo and I are back together and back in the studio and we're going to be able to help you today, taking care of fueling your hair growth, determining the best diet for your Hashimoto's. Did you know that what you eat can make a significant impact on your hair health? In fact, studies have shown that certain thyroid conditions and nutrient deficiencies can lead to hair loss in up to 30% of the cases. But don't fear. Today we have a very special guest who's going to reveal secrets to unlocking the power of thyroid support and nutrition for luscious, healthy locks. Stay tuned until the end of the episode because we have special, exclusive offers just for those of you listening today.

Speaker 2:

I am so excited, natalia, that we're back together in the studio and we still have Sutton with us as well, which is great.

Speaker 2:

You know, our first two seasons were pretty important to both of us because it's the first time that we had launched into the world of podcast and video, and so it was so great to be able to have you as my co-host and have you as my supporter through all of that and, more importantly, now we're back together and we get to share even more news and more information with the listeners. So thank you again for being here and, as a little brief introduction for those who weren't listening, on season one and two which, don't forget, you need to go back and listen but I want to tell you a little bit about Natalia. So Natalia Sanzo is a registered dietitian. She is also an amazing author, a nutritional coach and, more importantly, for your knowledge, she has and suffers with Hashimoto's disease and also hair loss as a result. So I think you're in for a great show today, and I'm going to turn it over to Natalia and let her share a little bit more about her story, and then we're going to dive into some of our listeners questions.

Speaker 3:

Kimberly, thank you so much for having me on your podcast and I want to congratulate you on doing so well. I know you have such great traction and it's showing up on every platform across all podcasts, so congratulations. I am happy that we did two seasons together because we built such a great foundation for our listeners. We have so many great episodes that touched on so many topics, so I hope our listeners go back to season one and two and listen on topics that are more related to hair loss and Hashimoto's and you know, and hormone therapy. I mean, we covered so much and, of course, just for our listeners sake, we kind of parted right last year, Not because the topic of Hashimoto's and hair loss was kind of running thin, but because we have so much to say and you're running your podcast every week and I'm doing the same on my end. There's just so much to talk about. We wanted to make sure that we serve our audience the best.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I couldn't say it better myself, and again, I just I love the opportunity to get back together for us to talk about nutrition, hashimoto's, hair loss and how we can truly help the listener. Help the listener. And before we go much further, though, I do want to remind the listener that you have two amazing offers that you're going to share with them, specifically just for those of you who are listening today. We also now HPI, that is, has an opportunity for you to text us with a opportunity to receive a 15 minute complimentary consultation and hair analysis. So we have lots to share at the end. So stay with us.

Speaker 2:

So, as we move into the meat of this episode, I wanted to share with the listeners that you know you and I both made a practice of going back to our audience and asking for questions, and we encourage you if you're listening today and this is your first show please go back and also text your questions to us, email your questions to us, and we'll be able to get those on another episode. But today we are diving into four specific questions that our listeners have asked, and so I'm going to start with the first one, and the first one is from a listener. She says I've been struggling with thinning hair for years, even though my thyroid levels are stable. Can you share some specific foods or nutrients that I should incorporate into my diet to support a healthy thyroid and hair growth?

Speaker 3:

This is such a great question and I want to address the first part of the question first. I've been struggling with thinning hair for years, even though my thyroid levels are stable. Now we have to remember that Hashimoto's is not just a thyroid disease. It's an immune system disease affecting many organs and systems in the body. So to address hair loss, we don't just look at thyroid hormone levels. There are other levels that can have a significant contribution to the symptoms we are experiencing. So we usually do a comprehensive testing which involves assessing cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, iron, ferritin and TIBC, b vitamins, vitamin D, selenium, zinc, fasting, fasting, insulin and blood sugar and, in some cases, hemoglobin A1c and lastly, a comprehensive stool test, and we actually covered a GI map stool test in season one, episode 17. So make sure you guys go back and listen to it and, as an example, you know your hair loss can continue with normal or even optimal thyroid labs because your ferritin, your vitamin D or selenium are low.

Speaker 3:

Now the second part of this question can you recommend specific nutrients that can support thyroid and hair growth? When focusing on thyroid health and hair growth, especially in the context of Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, you want to prioritize nutrients that support thyroid function and provide the building blocks for healthy hair. Here are the key foods and nutrients that can help. Number one selenium. Selenium is crucial for the conversion of thyroid hormones from T4 to T3. It also has antioxidant properties that help reduce thyroid antibodies and antibody levels in people with Hashimoto's. Foods that are rich in selenium includes Brazil nuts, one of the richest sources of selenium. Just one or two a day can meet your daily requirements. Next is seafood, such as sardines my favorite salmon and shrimp.

Speaker 2:

I always have a hard time with that one. Every time you've said that, I just kind of get this really funny taste in my mouth.

Speaker 3:

I actually had sardines with my eggs this morning. I'm glad.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't at your house for breakfast.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it does smell a little strong, yes, but the second nutrient we need to concentrate on is zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in thyroid hormone metabolism, immune system function and hair growth support. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss, which is often reversible with zinc supplementation. And good sources of zinc are meat, especially red meat like beef and lamb, shellfish and, as particular, oysters, legumes, chickpeas, lentils, beans and pumpkin seeds. Number three is iron. Iron is essential for many functions in the body, including hair growth and thyroid function. Low iron levels can impair thyroid hormone synthesis and can cause hair loss. Including these iron-rich foods in your diet, like meats, chicken, turkey, lentils, beans, spinach and other leafy greens and, of course, fortified cereals. That will ensure that your iron levels will maintain optimal.

Speaker 2:

Natalia, I have to ask you a question, though I think this will be really, really helpful and beneficial for the for the listener. We have many labs that we run as well for our hair loss and our trichology clients, and you and I have gone back and forth with building really great, comprehensive labs for both of our client bases. But I think the number one thing that we get such a big question about is well, isn't iron and ferritin the same right? And many times we will see individuals with very stable iron levels. However, their ferritin levels are very, very low and we're still not able to stop the hair shed, and so I think it's really important If you want to share a little bit about that, I think the listener would love to hear that, Kimberly this is such a great point because total iron and ferritin even though it's still in the iron panel, those two things are not the same.

Speaker 3:

Total iron just reflects how much iron is in your system. The ferritin is the storage form of iron. So when we check, most doctors only check total iron and if your levels are normal, they say you're good to go. But people with normal total iron can still have low levels of ferritin. So it's so important to check a full iron panel which includes total iron, ferritin and TIBC. So when it comes to iron, we usually the research shows that people who have ferritin levels above 75 do not have hair loss. So that's our goal. That's the optimal level that we're shooting for.

Speaker 3:

Now we'll continue talking about the fourth nutrient that is especially important for thyroid health and helps stop hair loss. It's our omega-3 fatty acids. Those fatty acids they reduce inflammation, which can help manage autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's. They also support scalp health and hair growth. Sources of omega-3 include fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and my sardines again Salmon mackerel and my sardines again Flax seeds and chia seeds oh, and let's not forget about walnuts. And finally, vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for immune modulation, which is critical in autoimmune disease like Hashimoto's. It is also beneficial for hair follicles cycling. Beneficial for hair follicles cycling. Vitamin D can be challenging to get enough from food, so sun exposure and supplements might be necessary. Food sources include fatty fish like our salmon and mackerel, again egg yolks and fortified foods like milk and orange juice, natalia.

Speaker 2:

such amazing information. So those four points and those recommendations, I think are probably also in your, in one of your books or in one of your meal plans, right that that our listeners can probably gain some more information about, because your all purpose nutrition website is just packed full of information. So I want to make sure that anyone that's listening today that they know your website, which is, it's all purpose, nutritioncom, just like my Instagram, just like anything.

Speaker 3:

My the name of my practice. So all of the information that we have been talking about, I think we recorded like what 600 hours of podcast total. All that information is carefully packaged in my online courses as well. Yes, I do meal plans and we'll talk about it, but I think the online course, guided step by step, 30 day thyroid healing program, is a great place to start. Oh terrific, terrific.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, moving on to our next question. So this is from a listener who's been listening to us, she says, for over a year, and the question is as a busy professional and mother, I often find myself relying on quick processed meals. How can I make simple changes to my diet to ensure I'm getting the nutrients my hair needs even when I'm short on time?

Speaker 3:

Oh, my goodness, I mean time. Short on time is the biggest. I don't want to say complain, but the biggest obstacle I hear every day and you know we all have the same 24 hours in a day. What differentiates us, or people, from people who feel like they don't have enough time in the day, from people who are very productive, is planning, who are very productive, is planning. Planning is number one things we should be doing to not only be productive but to make sure that we're taking care of our health. And when it comes to planning and making sure that we're eating the right things for our body, we need to meal prep right, because we have notepads to make sure that we have a to-do list. We have to-do list for the kids, for the husbands, for the dogs and cats, but we don't have a to-do list for our eating habits. And meal plan is the to-do list. So, as a registered dietitian, I offer meal plans for all of my clients because it's a great structural to-do list, basically that it's easy to follow. It takes the guess or guesswork out of planning. It takes the stress away. I use a very interactive meal planning platform that is available for my clients, where they can swap the recipes swap, the ingredients, play with the days, but my meal plans are 100% personalized. They are based on my clients needs, wants, food sensitivities, nutrition prescription, core mobilities and anything that is personalized to them. So for someone who's short on time, I think meal planning would be the answer.

Speaker 3:

Another option is to do a meal plan delivery services. There are so many of them out there right now. I personally use Green Chef. It's the only organic meal plan delivery services available. The Green Chef actually owns the company HelloFresh, so these two companies. They deliver whole foods to your house, to your doorsteps, and then you have to cook everything yourself. It takes 25 to 30 minutes. Now, if you're really short on time, meal delivery services like the Factor is very helpful. The food is all prepared for you. You just pop it in microwave or oven and it will be ready in five minutes and it's delicious. I've tried them all. I'm my own guinea pig. I never recommend anything that I have not tried myself.

Speaker 2:

Well, those are such great ideas and I know that being able to, you know, plan ahead and get your meals on point is just critical when you're trying to stay on a certain diet. I think the other thing is you had mentioned when you have a situation where you're planning for a spouse, for children or for anyone else, right, you have to make sure that you're getting those meal plans so that everyone's going to eat your food, whether it's being delivered or whether you're preparing it. So, love that idea, it's great. Okay, well, question number three I've heard that crash diets and extreme calorie restrictions can lead to hair loss and cause problems with my thyroid. Why does this happen?

Speaker 3:

Well, when you go on a crash diet, you're often drastically reducing your calorie intake and possibly missing out on essential nutrients. This sudden change can shock your body and, because hair growth is not a vital function, your body may redirect nutrients away from your hair to support more critical functions like maintaining heart health and brain function. And another thing when you go on a crash diet and drastically cutting calories, that can stress your body, affecting your thyroid. The thyroid is the gland that's responsible for regulating your metabolism. This severe calorie restriction can lead to a decrease in thyroid hormone production, which slows down your metabolism as your body tries to conserve energy. When the thyroid gland isn't functioning properly, it can lead to hair loss, because the thyroid hormones play a critical role in regulating the hair growth cycle. And, kimberly, you can talk specifically about the hair growth cycle how crash diet and the lack of nutrients send hair into the resting phases.

Speaker 2:

Well, yes, and they actually. We talk about resting phase, dormant phase and growing phase, but then sadly, we also have that shedding phase, and so crash diets many times will cause a starvation in the cells in the body, and so, therefore, if our hair, skin and our nails are made of cells, then certainly, to your point precisely is the those cells that are around the hair follicles are being starved and are now being redirected because the body's in a crisis mode. So the to us, in our world of trichology, the worst thing that someone can do is have a crash diet. We have a specific episode that we actually speak directly to several clients, one in particular who went through a hundred pound weight loss with Ozempic and she's been very open, very out front about yes, she's so excited to be 100 pounds lighter and she loves her life now.

Speaker 2:

However, the symptoms of the hair loss throughout this course of this time frame of this weight loss certainly were very debilitating. She, luckily, is in an environment to where she could stay kind of out of the public for a lot of this weight loss journey, and her journey was very quick. It only took six months, and so when you take 100 pounds off of an individual frame in six months. That's crazy, and the body is, of course, going to go through trauma, and so when we have that trauma, we then are pushed into this shedding, this telogen effluvium phase, and that's where that we have really causing concern, because when that does happen, it happens very quickly, right In a matter of six weeks typically, we can have chronic shedding that will go on longer. However, within that six weeks, you're losing anywhere from 30 to 60% of your hair loss and it doesn't just take six months to get it back. So, listeners, please be cautious. Please consider the right diet, the right nutritional course, even if you do have a large amount of weight that you're trying to lose.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. And, listeners, make sure you go back to season one and two because we, like Kimberly said, we covered weight loss and hair loss in details and we have a not only we have a lot of guests on the podcast, but we all. I think we recorded a full episode says how to lose weight without losing your hair. Yes, yeah. So make sure you guys go back, scroll through all episodes to look for the answers.

Speaker 2:

Oh, very good point. Okay so, natalia, this has been great, but I have one last question. Do you think you can stay with me just a little longer, okay so? So our last question, natalia, is, is really, it's easy for you and I, but it's complicated for the listeners. So I want us to dive into this to give our listener the best information we can. So the question is I take a multivitamin. What other supplement should I take to help my thyroid and thin hair? So I'm going to jump in here first.

Speaker 2:

First of all, the question is somewhat general. So it says I take a multivitamin, right? So what does that mean? Does that mean that you're taking a gummy or two a day? Does that mean that you're taking a hard caplet that was on sale at any of your favorite retailers? All of those are certainly in the essence of being good and you thinking that that's what you should do, because I'm sure that's what you've read right and, however, we don't know what you are lacking and where your deficiencies are until we truly test.

Speaker 2:

Question, but having those lab panels run testing, which we focus on the most in the world of trichology is those trace metals and minerals, making sure that it isn't just a natural vitamin or a daily multivitamin that you really need, because you've also stressed, natalia, about the importance of selenium.

Speaker 2:

We talk about zinc, we talk about vitamin D in our world and, more importantly, amino acids.

Speaker 2:

So the amino acids are the building blocks of our bodies and if we are not focused on those and I will promise you, I have only seen about two multivitamins on the market and, just as you had said, I test first before I share market, and just as you had said, I test first before I share and none of them have the amount of amino acids that your body truly needs if you are stressed and if you're going through times of change.

Speaker 2:

So I think, more importantly, with that multivitamin, I also want everyone to be focused on their zinc levels, as well as their copper and selenium. And, touching back on selenium just a little, is that we have to be cautious with selenium. We're running into a situation to where, yes, if we're deficient in selenium, it can cause hair loss. But I also like everyone to understand the importance of a selenium test is critical, because if your selenium levels are too high, it will cause a tremendous amount of aggressive hair loss, and so I want us to be very careful and cautious about that. So on to you what's your information and advice for that question?

Speaker 3:

Well, you covered this question so well, but I do have two more things that I want to add. A multivitamin does not have enough B vitamins, because multivitamin only has like one or two B vitamins. What we need to take is we need to take a B complex for hair growth. It can be more beneficial than taking biotin alone, because the B vitamins work together to support metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone and enhance immune and nervous system function, among other benefits. Right and while biotin, vitamin B7, is particularly known for its role in hair and hair growth, the other B vitamins also play a crucial role that can indirectly aid in enhancing hair health and growth.

Speaker 3:

Next thing I want to add is I want to talk about probiotics, or adding probiotics to your regimen. Probiotics can be beneficial for hair health and preventing hair loss, because they help maintain a balanced gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health, including nutrient absorption. Right. A healthy gut ensures optimal absorption of nutrients that are essential for hair growth, such as vitamins, minerals and protein. Additionally, probiotics can help reduce inflammation in the body, including the scalp. Chronic inflammation can interfere with the normal hair growth cycle, leading to hair thinning and hair loss. So, by supporting a healthy immune response and reducing inflammation, probiotics can create a healthier environment for hair growth. You can reach out to me via email or Instagram at All Purpose Nutrition for specific recommendations for probiotics.

Speaker 2:

That was a great way to kind of finish this last question, because probiotics are not an encompassing solution by any means. But one of the things that we forget is all the supplements that we're talking about and all the foods that we're talking about. They're only good for you if they are not trapped in a leaky gut right, and so it's so important that we move in that direction.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely yes, it's not. It's not what you eat, it's what you absorb.

Speaker 2:

That's so true. Well, Natalia, this has been so much fun, and I just want to stress to the listeners that you've really you've gathered a lot of information. There's a lot going on here, a lot to unpack. Feel free to reach out to Natalia at allpurposenutritioncom. Free to reach out to Natalia at all purpose nutritioncom. Also, as I had mentioned earlier in the podcast, you can reach HPI hair partners via text or also on our consultation form online. Our text is 615-975-6726. And I'm not going to hold this up any longer. Natalia, what's the big secret? What's the giveaway? What's the special offers that you're giving our guests?

Speaker 3:

I have two giveaways for listeners tonight or today. First, I have a completely free guide 10 ways to improve your gut health and, in turn in turn, you in turn improve your hair loss that they can download in the footnotes of this podcast. That was first and second. Listeners can get 20% off of my online-based program 30 Days Thyroid Healing Program if they use promo code podcast.

Speaker 2:

Okay, wow, that's amazing. I, because we have clients that we have referred to you and have taken advantage of both of those programs and I know that they will be, um, just so greatly accepted by the listeners. So thank you so much for doing that. I really, really appreciate it. And you know, as we talk about getting back together and the importance of hair loss and thyroid disorders and being able to combine that connection so that we can truly give opportunities for the listeners, we want everyone to know that. Please go back and search through our catalog of podcasts and shows. We have over 60 now, I think, between the two of us, if not more, and if you can't find the answers that you're looking for, reach out to us again at All Purpose Nutrition or HPI Hair Loss, and we'd be glad to help you at any point in time. So, as we always say on our podcast is thank you so much, my dear sweet guests, and make it a great hair day is thank you so much, my dear sweet guests, and make it a great hair day.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. We hope you've gained valuable insights into the world of hair care and restoration. If you found this episode enlightening, don't forget to drop us a review over on Apple Podcasts. If you're eager to delve deeper into how HPI hair partners can cater to your hair needs, why wait? Connect with us today at hpi hair partnerscom and make sure you never miss an episode by hitting that subscribe button. Tune in every week for fresh and enlightening updates. Until then, here's to healthier hair and boosted confidence.

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